Store whole coffee beans in an airtight container

For optimal taste and flavor Use freshly ground coffee

Use two grams of coffee per 28 grams of water (adjust to taste)

Bring water to boil between
195° – 205° F
Brewing guides

- Place Chemex filter in the brewer positioning the thick side of the filter toward the pouring spout
- Rinse the filter with hot water to remove any paper flavor and pre heat your Chemex. Pour out water
- Grind 30 grams of Cool Yeti Coffee to a medium setting
- Place the Chemex, filter and coffee on your scale. Be sure to zero out the scale.
- Begin pouring water over the coffee just enough to saturate. Stir to remove any dry clumps. Wait 30 – 45 seconds to allow the coffee to bloom.
- Continue pouring a total of 450 grams of water over the coffee being sure to pour over the dark spots while avoiding the light areas. Total brew time should be around 4 minutes.
- Finally remove the filter, swirl the coffee, pour and enjoy

- Warm up your empty French Press with hot water. This will help maintain temperature while brewing for best extraction
- Measure 30 grams of Cool Yeti Coffee and grind on a coarse setting
- Pour out the hot water and add coffee into the empty press
- Begin pouring hot water into your French Press until it is halfway full. Be sure to start your 4 minute timer as soon as you start pouring water
- After one minute, break the crust and stir the grinds.
- Continue filling the press with water all the way to the top
- Place the plunger on top and allow your coffee to brew until the timer is up
- After four minutes, slowly depress the plunger all the way to the bottom
- While plunger is fully depressed, pour yourself a delicious cup of coffee and enjoy

- Measure 20 grams of Cool Yeti Coffee and grind to a medium-fine setting
- Place the Aeropress filter in the basket. Preheat the brewer, rinse the filter and heat your mug with hot water
- Attach the basket to the bottom of the brew chamber and set it on top of the mug. Add the 20 grams of coffee into the press.
- Pour 60 grams of water until all the grounds are saturated. Stir to mix and wait 30 seconds to allow the coffee to bloom. Continue pouring the remaining 170 grams of water. Remember to start timer once you begin pouring water
- Place plunger on the brew chamber and pull up slightly to create a pressure seal
- Wait approximately 90 seconds to finish brewing
- Gently press down with steady pressure on the plunger until you hear a hissing sound
- Now you are ready to drink and enjoy your Cool Yeti Coffee

- Insert filter into Hario V60 Dripper and rinse with hot water to remove paper flavor
- Measure 22 grams of Cool Yeti Coffee and grind to a medium-fine setting
- Pour grinds into filter and saturate with water just enough to cover the grounds
- Wait 15 seconds to let the coffee bloom, you’ll notice the coffee bed raise and bubble slightly
- Continue pouring water every 10-15 seconds slowly in a spiral shape until you reach 360 grams. Total brew time should be around 3:00 minutes.
- Remove brewer, pour coffee into a warm mug, and enjoy

- Measure 454 grams of Cool Yeti Coffee and grind on a coarse setting
- Measure 2,000 grams of water
- Place the Filtron’s rubber cap in the hole at the bottom of the device
- Wet the wool filter and place it evenly at the bottom of the Filtron for optimal extraction
- Insert your filter into the Filtron and pour in the coffee
- Begin slowly pouring water over the grounds in a circular motion. Use a wood spoon to submerge all the grounds
- Place the round plastic disc on top of the filter and cover the system with the Filtron lid
- Be sure to let it steep for 12-14 hours
- Finally, position the Filtron over a carafe and pull the rubber cap to allow the coffee to flow into the carafe
- Pour over ice and enjoy your Cool Yeti Cold Brew